An English major at Brigham Young University can, if she is not constantly inspired by dry desert landscape, sink in the quagmire of unoriginality until she succumbs to attending law school. Such was my situation come Sophomore year. Would I ever see a real castle or find a secret garden or consider tea with the Queen? Would the closest I got to Europe be only through the pages of my childhood books?
On a headstrong, overly confident whim, I filled an application and in February and was accepted to a Study Abroad in none other than London England. The three profs hired me as a facilitator over 28 students. We took a study class where we cooed over pictures of Bath (Bahhth) and determined never to take taxis (Taken). No time for excitement whilst we had flight itineraries, attendance, and passport copies to coordinate, not to mention money. But Dr. Seely assured us that it was all worth it; he quoted, "When one is tired of London, one is tired of life."
A killer summer job and nearly $10,000 later, it is August 14th, my apartment is empty and sparkling, and I have less than two weeks to get four months' worth of international living packed. Home to Seattle until that fated departure on the 31st!